
Hello Star, 

Welcome to the L/R Diaries.

I’m super excited to have this platform with all of you! I just wanted to take this opportunity to share more information on what this part of the website is, how to use it, etc. : 

As I was creating L/R, I knew I didn't just want to make it all about the clothes. I wanted to build a community. A support system. Something you feel connected to. I instantly thought of creating a blog where not only would I be posting and sharing my thoughts, but where you can too.

You’ll be able to write comments sharing your feedback, suggestions or even if you’d just like to chat! From your messages, I’ll publicly post those that I feel would really impact/help others positively, or maybe one that would stir up a healthy discussion. There have been so many occasions where I wanted to speak up or shed light on a certain topic but never got the chance to. I know many of you feel this way too so I’m hoping this can be our chance. Btw, you can choose to remain anon when writing comments & I know a lot would prefer this.

Adding a ‘blog’ portion to the website felt important because I wanted to be able to interact with L/R’s stars, get to know you all & hopefully even become friends! I would love to hear about what you like to wear, who you are, share stories & talk about topics that matter. From real hard hitting stories to your favourite songs, tips & tricks...I would love to hear it all. I hope that this blog becomes a comfortable platform that serves as an uplifting safe space.


Talk soon & stay golden.

xx, Manisha


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